Best Dutch Documentary Idfa 2011
Prix Interreligeux Visions du reel 2012

Special Mention Visions Du Reel 2012

Myth and Reality of the Leningrad BLockade 900 days jessica gorter

Nomination Gouden Kalf 2012
Special Jury Prize ArtDocFest 2011 

 Nomination Prix Italia 2012

900 Days on Facebook


Prachtige recensie voor 900 Dagen in Variety

VARIETY recensent Jay Weissberg zag 900 Dagen op het Transylvania Film Festival in Roemenië: ...superb docu, which captures in 77 deeply troubling minutes the contradiction between the official version of a heroic populace persevering for the Motherland, and the private bitterness of a people disgusted by the way the Soviets and their heirs avoid questions of responsibility. Beautifully lensed and expertly edited, this throat-gripping look at history and its continuing ramifications won the top Dutch docu prize at IDFA.

Lees de complete recensie op de website van Variety


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